Installing BIRT Demo Database
The BIRT Demo Database package provides the Classic Models, Inc. database that this book uses for example procedures. The database is provided in the following formats:
*Apache Derby
BIRT Report Designer and BIRT RCP Report Designer include this database in Apache Derby format, as the Classic Models, Inc. sample database data source. Install BIRT Demo Database if you want to use the native drivers to access this data source.
How to install BIRT Demo Database
On the BIRT website, perform the following operations:
1 Navigate to BIRT Downloads for build 4.3.1.
2 In More Downloads, choose full BIRT 4.3.1 Download Page.
3 In the Demo Database section, choose the Demo Database archive file:
4 Extract all files from the birt-database archive to a location of your choice.
Extracting creates a directory, ClassicModels, which contains the BIRT Demo Database in Apache Derby and MySQL formats.
To test the BIRT Demo Database, first connect to the database with the native database client tool or a Java application.
How to access BIRT Demo Database using a database client tool
Perform one of the following sets of tasks, based on your preferred database:
*Apache Derby database
Connect to the database in the derby subdirectory of ClassicModels.
1 Navigate to the mysql subdirectory of ClassicModels.
2 Create a database to use or edit create_classicmodels.sql to uncomment the lines that create and select the classicmodels database.
3 Use the mysql command line interface to run create_classicmodels.sql.
4 Review load_classicmodels.sql to determine if you can use the script on your platform without editing. Use the mysql command line interface to run load_classicmodels.sql.
Next, connect to the database from BIRT Report Designer or BIRT RCP Report Designer.
How to access BIRT Demo Database from a BIRT report designer
Connect to the database using BIRT Report Designer or BIRT RCP Report Designer.
1 To access the Classic Models, Inc. database in Apache Derby or MySQL format, first add the driver JAR files to a BIRT report designer installation.
2 In any report design, create a data source on the database. In the same report design, create a data set on the data source.