Installing iHub, Trial Edition
After completing the installation, the iHub icon did not appear on my desktop. How can I add it there?
This problem occurs if you install the software without choosing “Run as administrator”. To fix this issue, please go to the installation folder (default:
C:\Actuate3) and drag the file “favicon” to the desktop.
I have another version of iHub/iServer running on my machine. What happens if I install Trial Edition?
iHub, Trial Edition will not install. It will return an error requesting you to free the ports used by the other instances first, which you can do by uninstalling those instances. If iHub, Trial Edition is already installed on the system, you have the option of overwriting that installation. Moreover, you are licensed for a single instance of iHub, Trial Edition only. See also the Licensing section of the FAQs.
Installing on Windows
For information on how to install iHub, Trial Edition on Windows, visit the blog post, Installing iHub, Trial Edition on Windows.
Installing on Linux
I get the error message “Unable to Connect. Unable to establish a connection to the server at localhost:8700”.
After running on Linux, the install says it succeeded and I see on the terminal window: “[echo] To access Information Console, use URL: http://localhost:8700/iportal”. However, I get the error message “Unable to Connect. Unable to establish a connection to the server at localhost:8700”.
The Actuate iHub 3.1 Service needs to be started.
For more details on how to install iHub, Trial Edition on Linux, please visit the blog post, Installing iHub, Trial Edition on Linux, which walks you through the installation process.
I am getting an error when I try to install on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 using VMware player.
Currently VMware does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0. Try using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 or VMware Workstation.
Using the VMware image
What operating systems can I run the VM Player on?
Please check the VMware compatibility guide at
What are the logins available on the VM image?
There are two users set up on the image. The second user is the user that installed iHub, Trial Edition.
*User 1: root
Password: password
*User 2: birt
Password: password
How do I connect to iHub on the image?
The image does not come installed with any browsers. This is done on purpose to minimize the size of the image. When the image starts up you should see a message with the URL to connect to iHub. You should use the host machine (or any machine that can access the VM image) browser to connect. The URL is
http://<IP Address of VM image>:8700/iportal.
I cannot connect to iHub on the VM image.
Log in to the image and run ‘ifconfig’ to get the IP address of the VM image. In some cases the IP address will be different than the original one. Use the IP address returned from ‘ifconfig’ to connect to iHub, Trial Edition.
Another possibility is that iHub is not ready yet. It will be ready to take requests approximately 5-10 seconds after the VM image has completed the startup.
How do I know if iHub, Trial Edition is running?
To check if iHub is running, log in as birt and run a ps command:
ps -ef | grep ihubc
How do I start and stop iHub, Trial Edition?
Log in as root and run the appropriate corresponding service commands:
service ihubservice start
service ihubservice stop
service ihubservice restart
What resources does the VM image use?
The VM image uses two CPU cores, 4 GB of memory, and 10 GB of disk space. However, to achieve satisfactory performance, we recommend using at least 8 GB of memory.
How can I run the iHub VMware image on my ESXi host?
Unzip the downloaded file, then use the “VMware vCenter Converter Standalone” utility to import the iHub VMware image into your VMware server.
If you need further assistance, please visit our forum: Working with iHub.