Generating an impact report
Once you have determined the dependencies between files in a project, you can run encycFind.bat to assess the impact of a change to a file, data set, column, or parameter and generate an impact report. You must run encycFind.bat in the workspace folder in which you ran encycAnalyze.bat. You can re-run encycFind.bat any number of times.
To display the syntax for encycFind.bat, open a Command Prompt window and cd to <BDPro_HOME>\eclipse. Then type:
encycFind.bat -help
encycFind.bat takes the following arguments:
The name of the project to search. The default is DiagramProject.
Path to the file whose change impact you want to assess. If you do not provide a query argument, you must provide a file argument.
*entity (optional)
If you provide a file argument, you can also specify a data set, column, or parameter. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks ("). The entity type must be compatible with the file type. For example, if the specified file is a report design, you can specify a data set or data set column. To specify the data set MyDataSet, type:
-entity dataset:MyDataSet
To specify the First Name column in the data set MyDataSet, type:
-entity column:MyDataSet:"First Name"
If the specified file is a map or information object, you can specify a column or parameter. To specify the First Name column, type:
-entity column:"First Name"
To specify the p_MaxDate parameter, type:
-entity parameter:p_MaxDate
A database search string using the same syntax as in the Search—Database Search dialog, <HostName>:<TableName>:<ColumnName>. Change impact is assessed for the data connection definition, map, or column returned by the search. If you do not provide a file argument, you must provide a query argument.
Name of the impact report. The default is impactResults.rptdocument. The report is created in the workspace folder.
For example, you open a Command Prompt window and cd to the workspace folder in which you ran encycAnalyze.bat. You then type:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Actuate\BRDPro2\eclipse\encycFind.bat"
-project MyProject -file "/MyProject/IO Designs/MyProject/Data Sources/MyDatabase/dbo.Payments.sma" -entity column:paymentDate -report MyImpactReport.rptdocument
encycFind.bat does the following:
*Assesses the impact of a change to the paymentDate column in the map dbo.Payments.sma
*Generates an impact report called MyImpactReport.rptdocument in the workspace folder
Alternatively, you can type the following command to achieve the same result:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Actuate\BRDPro2\eclipse\encycFind.bat"
-project MyProject -query athena:dbo.Payments:paymentDate
-report MyImpactReport.rptdocument
To assess the impact of a change to the First Name column in the data set MyDataSet, type:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Actuate\BRDPro2\eclipse\encycFind.bat"
-project MyProject -file "/MyProject/Report Designs
/MyReport.rptdesign" -entity column:MyDataSet:"First Name"
-report MyImpactReport.rptdocument