About Informix database connections
Set the DELIMIDENT environment variable to y before starting BIRT iHub.
The Integration service cannot communicate with an Informix database if the database character set is Unicode.
If you are running iHub on a Windows platform, the application code page for the computer must match the DB_LOCALE setting of the Informix server. For example, if the database character encoding is Japanese (Shift JIS), the application code page of the computer on which BIRT iHub is running must be Japanese (Shift JIS). In other words, you must set CLIENT_LOCALE to ja_JP.sjis‑s.
If you are running BIRT iHub on a Linux platform, you must provide a value for the IANAAppCodePage property. If you do not set IANAAppCodePage, the database driver searches the odbc.ini system information file for a value, first in the Data Source section and then in the ODBC section. If the database driver does not find a value in the odbc.ini file, it sets the IANAAppCodePage property to 4 (ISO 8859-1 Latin-1).