The BIRT Design Engine API provides the IBirtViewerExtension, IBirtViewerContext, IBirtViewerOp, and IBirtViewer Session Java interfaces to extend the functionality of BIRT Viewer. Classes implementing these interfaces are associated with the BIRT Viewer web application when they are added in the birtviewer-extension.xml configuration file. Its location is:
<context root>\WEB-INF\birtviewer-extension.xml
For example, to enable myIVExtension.jar to operate on BIRT Viewer, add an entry to birtviewer-extension.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Class name for Interactive viewer extension -->
Save the compiled code archive to the <context root>\WEB-INF\lib folder for the BIRT Viewer web application and restart the application to enable the custom interface. The interfaces are part of the com.actuate.birtviewer.extension package of the BIRT Design Engine API.
The IBirtViewerExtension interface defines the event handler methods that activate implemented code, as follows: