Actuate Java Components controls web page navigation with Jakarta Struts action paths. An action path is a uniform resource identifier (URI) called directly by Java Components or by a user to access the Java Components functionality. <context root>\WEB-INF\struts‑config.xml contains the action path specifications.
An action path can specify a JSP to use to gather input. The action path uses the results of an Action class to determine the next action path to perform or the next JSP to display. Typically, an action path forwards the user to one action path or JSP if the execution succeeds and a different action path or JSP if the execution causes an error. In the following code sample, if the AcGetFolderItemsAction JavaBean returns success, the next JSP to display is <context root>\iportal \activePortal\private\filesfolders\filefolderlist.jsp:
To locate an existing page, navigate to that page and examine the URI in the address field of your browser. If the URI contains a JSP name, go to that file. If the URI contains an action path, search struts-config.xml for that action path without the .do extension, or look up the action path in Actuate Java Components URIs.
To add a new web page to Java Components, you change the navigation in struts‑config.xml so that all navigation for your web application remains in a single location. You can change an existing input page or forward page specification in an action path to your new page, or you can create a new action path that forwards to your page. If you create a new action path, you can change another action path to forward to your new path or you can modify or create links on web pages to specify your new action path. The following action path always navigates to welcome.jsp when another action path, link, or URL invokes it: