Exporting content to Microsoft Excel
You can use the viewers to export a BIRT report, selected pages of a BIRT report, or a specific report element such as a chart, or cross tab, to Microsoft Excel, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2013. The Excel emitter supports exporting cross tab content as a pivot table. Users who do not have access to Interactive Crosstabs can analyze the exported cross tab output using Excel. When exporting content to Excel 2010, we recommend that you use the XLSX format in order to avail several features supported only in XLSX format, and to avoid compatibility issues that occur when using Microsoft Office 2010. The exported content in either version of Excel has exactly the same layout as the HTML page.
Exporting content to Microsoft Word
The Viewers support exporting content to Microsoft Word, Word 2007, and Word 2010. When exporting content to Word 2010, we recommend that you use the DOCX format in order to avail several features supported only in DOCX format, and to avoid compatibility issues that occur when using Microsoft Office 2010.
Exporting content to Microsoft PowerPoint
The viewers support exporting content to PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2007, and PowerPoint 2010 formats. When exporting content to PowerPoint 2010, we recommend that you use the PPTX format in order to avail several features supported only in PPTX format, and to avoid compatibility issues that can occur when using Microsoft Office 2010.
Exporting content to PDF format
You can export report content or report elements, such as charts, or cross tabs, to PDF format. The PDF emitter in the viewers provides consistent layout, and pagination properties between PDF and HTML output formats. The PDF emitter also produces a high‑quality PDF file, with a small file size. In addition it provides high quality images for charts, and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format in PDF output.
You can also export Flash charts to PDF format. When you export Flash charts to PDF format, the viewers support embedding the exported element in the PDF file, enabling you to easily interact with the Flash elements. Flash charts retain their animation properties when exported to PDF format.
When you print an exported Flash chart, the embedded file in the PDF document, must first be viewed in order for it to appear on the printed page. In a multipage report with Flash content on several pages, view each page, so that the embedded Flash elements load, and then print the required pages for the Flash content to be visible in the printed output. If you do not view the pages before printing the file, the Flash content is not visible in the printed output, for pages that were not viewed.
Exporting content to PostScript format
When you export content to PostScript format, the PostScript emitter displays the content in the output file, almost exactly the same way as it will appear when printed.
Exporting content to Extensible HTML format
Extensible HTML (XHTML) is the next generation of HTML, compliant with XML (Extensible Markup Language) standards. The XHTML emitter is specifically useful when users need to provide accessibility options for the exported content. XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) format enables users to access the content from a wide range of applications, other than a desktop or browser, and is extremely easy to update and maintain.