About Xcode project files
The following is a general overview of the BIRT Gazetteer source code:
*Framework files to display a menu and table view of the application in iPad
Manages basic application tasks occurring during start‑up and shutdown
Contains default values for iHub URLs and volume paths
Contains the overview charts displayed in a split view pane
Contains the application login page
Manages the MapView page and the content displayed in a web view
Contains the location list, displayed in a split view pane
Opens the pop-up menu for aboutUs/sourceData/logOut
Defines user authentication and user selections in the application
Contains Source Data page font color and other confirmations
Contains the split view page that displays the location list in one pane and overview charts in another pane
*Files to manage the slider and page control of the three overview charts
*Files to handle the About us page
*Main.storyboard file to show and handle application interactive work flow
*Images.xcassets containing the application icon and launch image files
*/mapView folder containing the HTML and JavaScript files to display a map
*/jsapi folder for jsapi.html, an HTML file containing Actuate JSAPI code
*/ReportView folder containing an iOS UIWebView and controller file
These files display BIRT reports using the jsapi.html.
*/Chart folder containing third-party charts
*BIRTChartData file to manage REST API data for front page charts
*/BarChart folder containing a UIWebView that loads a line chart from a BIRT report using JSAPI
*/ColumnChart folder containing the EChart library folder and other files to support the column chart
*/PieChart folder containing the MagicPie library folder and other files to support the pie chart
*/Resources folder containing fonts and images used in the application
*/Font folder
*/Images folder
*/Supporting Files folder containing general iOS application files