Additional optimizations
This example application demonstrates common integration techniques. Optimize your own code to make use of your software platform features and your enterprise requirements. For example, depending on the devices you expect to use and your application specifications, you might:
*Use SSL connections to secure user authentications and data.
*Aggregate data in SQL queries.
*Aggregate data in BIRT report items and identify the data with bookmarks.
*Use the latest software development kit supported by your devices, for example:
*iOS7 introduces the new NSURLSession to replace NSURLConnection.
*iOS8 introduces the new WKWebView class to replace UIWebView.
*Android supports third-party HTTP clients such as OkHttp, Retrofit, and Volley.
*Store common resources, such as image files and JavaScript libraries, in your application.
*Store data and content offline in sqllite databases using iOS Core Data, iOS CloudKit, Android Google Cloud, or another storage service.