Using RDBMS and file system backup utilities
The administrator must perform the metadata backup using the tools provided or supported by the RDBMS. Copying the physical files of a database at the operating system level while an RDBMS is running does not create a valid backup.
Most RDBMS backup tools can be scripted and run while BIRT iHub is using the database. PostgreSQL and Oracle also provide graphical administration tools in addition to command‑line tools. This chapter provides instructions on how to perform a backup in the PostgreSQL RDBMS environment as a reference example. For more information on using other RDBMS systems and tools to back up and restore BIRT iHub schemas, see the vendor documentation.
How to perform an BIRT iHub System backup
To back up BIRT iHub System, perform the following tasks:
1 Make sure that the autoarchive file purging process is not running.
2 Make an online backup of the cluster and volume schemas using the tools provided by the RDBMS.
3 Back up the volume data and system configuration files using the tools available in the operating system environment.
A metadata backup is consistent with a data backup only if the file purging process that runs during an autoarchive operation does not occur between the time you back up the metadata and the time you back up the data. In System Console, the administrator can specify when the file purging process runs. Configure the following time-related file purging properties to times that do not conflict with the time when the backup operation runs:
*Purge deleted files time
Specifies the time when the file purging process runs to permanently delete expired files
*Expiration time of deleted files
Specifies the length of time that must elapse before the file purging process permanently deletes an expired file