Publishing a BIRT applications make it accessible to a large number of users. A published application is available to manage, meaning you can schedule data object or BIRT design update its content from the data source. Use permissions to limit user access to application content and data. When you publish a BIRT application, the contents of the previous application are overwritten so all the previous content is replaced.
Editing the landing page
Each BIRT application can include a landing page written in HTML. This landing page is accessible using a URL and contains information about your project, such as a description of the BIRT application, hyperlinks to the application content, online help and BIRT content embedded using the Actuate JavaScript API.
Publishing as a BIRT application
Publishing the BIRT project as an application requires you to select the project, select the server and choose publish.
Previewing and testing the BIRT application
It is important to preview and test your BIRT application as you design it and after you deploy it. Verify that the data retrieved from the data source is what you expect. As you lay out and format the dashboard, confirm the visualization throughout the design process. If you add code, test and debug it as you go. After you deploy the BIRT application, verify the URL hyperlinks to the landing and to any other content work as expected.