When you format a report element, the format applies to all instances of the element in the generated report. For example, if you specify that an item price appears in the Arial typeface and blue, all item prices in the generated report appear in Arial and blue. This type of formatting is called absolute formatting. The appearance of the element is set when you design the report.
You can change the format of an element according to its value or the value of another element. For example, you can specify that item prices appear in green if the value exceeds $1,000.00 and in a default color if the value is equal to or less than $1,000.00. This type of formatting is called conditional formatting. In the report, the appearance of each item generated from a conditionally formatted element is set only at the point when the report runs.
The following examples are some common uses of conditional formatting:
Show numbers in a different color if they are negative.
Highlight delinquent accounts by using a different typeface or font style.
Highlight the top 10 customers by displaying their names in a colored box.