About locale maps
The administrator can customize a date, time, or currency expression for a particular locale by modifying a date, time, or currency format for that locale in a locale map. A localemap.xml file contains a Locale ID element for each language in which Information Console displays content. The Locale ID element contains subelements specifying the date, time, and currency formats for each language. BIRT iHub uses the following locale maps:
Formats time stamps that Information Console displays in:
*The Modified column of a file or folder listing
*The Finished column of a My Jobs or Notifications listing
Formats a date or time that one of the following items generates when used in an output document name or output document version name:
*A predefined date-and-time format keyword
*A date format symbol
*A time format symbol
If you update localemap.xml, you must restart the cluster for the changes to take effect. In a cluster, the same localemap.xml files must reside on every BIRT iHub machine to achieve consistency among nodes. For information about starting and stopping a cluster, see Chapter 5, “Managing Clusters,” in System Administration Guide.
A locale definition in localemap.xml does not necessarily specify a value for every date, time, or currency field. For a field with no specified value, BIRT iHub uses the default locale’s value for that field. In a localmap.xml file, the Locale ID named “default” specifies the default date, time, and currency formats.
For more information about date and time formats, see Chapter 3, “Scheduling and managing jobs,” in Using Information Console.