
Class actuate.viewer.SelectedContent

The SelectedContent class contains information about an element that has been selected by the user. It is passed to the CONTENT_SELECTED event handler.
Member of: actuate.viewer.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
A container for content selected in the viewer.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the numerical index for the currently selected column, if the selected content is in a table.
Returns an instance of the currently selected element.
Class Detail
A container for content selected in the viewer. SelectedContent provides an object to pass to a handler when the user-defined ON_CONTENT_SELECTED event occurs. This object contains an instance of the element selected in the viewer.
Method Detail
{int} getColumnIndex()
Returns the numerical index for the currently selected column, if the selected content is in a table. The first column has index 1. To retrieve the index of a column selected, use the following code:
	var index = selected.getColumnIndex( );
{int} column index or null when the user selects a non-table element.

{Object} getSelectedElement()
Returns an instance of the currently selected element. The instance can be one of the following objects: To determine the object type, use the Object.getType( ) function. The type strings for the above objects are "Chart", "Data", "Label", "Table", or "Text", respectively. To retrieve and store a label bookmark if a selected element is a label, use the following code:
	var selected = selected.getColumnIndex( );
	if (selected.getType( ) == "Label"){
		var bmark = Object.getBookmark( );
{Object} The selected element.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.1 on Mon Dec 16 2013 06:58:33 GMT-0800 (PST)