

A container for an HTML5-enabled chart element in a report. ClientChart provides functions to operate on a ClientChart element on the client side only, such as retrieving the chart size or setting the title and series values for the currently displayed chart.
Member of:

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The ClientChart object is constructed by
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addSeries(seriesName, values)
Adds a data series to this ClientChart.
Returns the number of categories in this ClientChart.
eturns the height of this ClientChart in pixels.
Returns the width of this ClientChart in pixels.
Returns the set for this ClientChart.
Returns the object contained in this ClientChart.
Returns the number of run-time series in this ClientChart.
Returns the maximum value of the series associated with the X-axis in this ClientChart.
Returns the minimum value of the series associated with the X-axis in this ClientChart.
Returns the maximum value of a series associated with the Y-axis in this ClientChart.
Returns the minimum value of a series associated with the Y-axis in this ClientChart.
Returns whether this chart has axes.
Redraws this ClientChart with options.
removeSeries(seriesName, redraw)
Removes a series by name.
setSeriesVisible(seriesName, visible)
Makes a series visible.
setSize(width, height)
Resizes current chart to a given width and height.
Sets the title of this ClientChart.
setValues(seriesName, values, redraw)
Sets the value for a series.
setXAxisRange(min, max, redraw)
Sets the value range for the X-axis.
setYAxisRange(min, max, redraw, axisIndex)
Sets the value range for the Y-axis.
Class Detail
The ClientChart object is constructed by
Method Detail
<static> {void} addSeries(seriesName, values)
Adds a data series to this ClientChart. This example adds the monthly revenue series as an array of numbers:
	myClientChart.addSeries('monthly revenue', 
		[1,5.5, 2,4.5, 3,7.8, 4,7.7, 5,1.2, 6,8.5 7,1.9, 8,4.5, 9,12, 10,9.1, 11,4, 12,6.6]);
{String} seriesName
A name for the series.
{Array} values
The values for the series, defining X and Y value pairs.

<static> {integer} getCategoryCount()
Returns the number of categories in this ClientChart. This example displays the number of categories in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("This HTML5 client chart has" + myClientChart.getCategoryCount( ) + "categories.");
{integer} The number of categories.

<static> {integer} getChartHeight()
eturns the height of this ClientChart in pixels. This example displays the height of myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Height: " + myClientChart.getHeight( ));
{integer} The height of the chart in pixels.

<static> {integer} getChartWidth()
Returns the width of this ClientChart in pixels. This example displays the width of myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Width: " + myClientChart.getChartWidth( ));
{integer} The width of the chart in pixels.

<static> {} getClientOptions()
Returns the set for this ClientChart. This example retrieves the client options for myClientChart and stores them in the myClientOptions variable:
	var myClientOptions = myClientChart.getClientOptions( );
{} The client options.

<static> {} getCore()
Returns the object contained in this ClientChart. This example retrieves the Highcharts object from myClientChart and stores it in the myHighchart variable:
	var myHighchart = myClientChart.getCore( );
{} A highchart.

<static> {integer} getSeriesCount()
Returns the number of run-time series in this ClientChart. This example displays the number of run-time series in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Runtime Series: " + myClientChart.getSeriesCount( ));
{integer} The number of series.

<static> {float} getXAxisMax()
Returns the maximum value of the series associated with the X-axis in this ClientChart. This example displays the maximum value of the series associated with the X-axis in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Max for X-axis series: " + myClientChart.getXAxisMax( ));
{float} The axis series' maximum.

<static> {float} getXAxisMin()
Returns the minimum value of the series associated with the X-axis in this ClientChart. This example displays the minimum value of the series associated with the X-axis in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Min for X-axis series: " + myClientChart.getXAxisMin( ));
{float} The axis series' minimum.

<static> {float} getYAxisMax(axisIndex)
Returns the maximum value of a series associated with the Y-axis in this ClientChart. This example displays the maximum value of the series associated with the Y-axis in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Max for Y-axis series: " + myClientChart.getYAxisMax( ));
{integer} axisIndex
Optional. Axis index. The minimum value is 0, which is the default value, indicating the first Axis.
{float} The axis series' maximum.

<static> {float} getYAxisMin(axisIndex)
Returns the minimum value of a series associated with the Y-axis in this ClientChart. This example displays the minimum value of the series associated with the Y-axis in myClientChart as an alert:
	alert("Min for Y-axis series: " + myClientChart.getYAxisMin( ));
{integer} axisIndex
Optional. Axis index. The minimum value is 0, which is the default value, indicating the first Axis.
{float} The axis series' minimum.

<static> {Boolean} isChartWithAxes()
Returns whether this chart has axes. This example displays whether myClientChart has axes:
	alert("Chart has axes: " + myClientChart.isChartWithAxes( ));
{Boolean} True indicates axes, false otherwise.

<static> {void} redraw(chartOptions)
Redraws this ClientChart with options. This example redraws myClientChart with the default options:
	myClientChart.redraw( );
{} chartOptions
Optional. The chart options.

<static> {void} removeSeries(seriesName, redraw)
Removes a series by name. This example removes the series monthly revenue from myClientChart and redraws the chart:
	myClientChart.removeSeries('monthly revenue', true);
{String} seriesName
The name of the series to remove.
{Boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.

<static> {void} setSeriesVisible(seriesName, visible)
Makes a series visible. This example sets the series monthly revenue as visible for myClientChart:
	myClientChart.setSeriesVisible('monthly revenue', true);
{String} seriesName
The name of the series to change.
{Boolean} visible
Optional. True indicates visible. Default is true.

<static> {void} setSize(width, height)
Resizes current chart to a given width and height.
{Number} width
New pixel width of the chart
{Number} height
New pixel height of the chart

<static> {void} setTitle(title)
Sets the title of this ClientChart. This example sets the title of myClientChart to 'Annual Report':
	myClientChart.setTitle('Annual Report');
{String} title
Chart title text.

<static> {void} setValues(seriesName, values, redraw)
Sets the value for a series. This example adds the monthly revenue series as an array of numbers:
 myClientOption.setValues('monthly revenue', 
	[1,5.5, 2,4.5, 3,7.8, 4,7.7, 5,1.2, 6,8.5 7,1.9, 8,4.5, 9,12, 10,9.1, 11,4, 12,6.6]);
{String} seriesName
Name of the series to change.
{Array} values
The values for the series, defining X and Y value pairs.
{Boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.

<static> {void} setXAxisRange(min, max, redraw)
Sets the value range for the X-axis. This example sets the X-axis range to 1 through 3 and redraws the chart:
{float} min
A new minimum value.
{float} max
A new maximum value.
{boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true

<static> {void} setYAxisRange(min, max, redraw, axisIndex)
Sets the value range for the Y-axis. This example sets the Y-axis range to 0 through 15 and redraws the chart:
{float} min
A new minimum value.
{float} max
A new maximum value.
{boolean} redraw
Optional. Specifies whether to redraw the chart. Default is true.
{integer} axisIndex
Optional. Axis index. The minimum value is 0, which is the default value, indicating the first Axis.

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