Creating a new database repository
To create a new FastDB database you must specify the database location in the configuration files. At installation, the default database contains the Demo database, and is located at:
C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium\databases
How to create a new repository
1 Stop Dubnium Server.
1 In WindowsStart, type:
Services appears, as shown in Figure 6‑10.
2 In Services, select Dubnium Server, and choose Stop from the right-click menu.
2 In Windows Explorer, create a new folder where you want to store the Dubnium database. For example:
3 Set privileges for the user running the Dubnium server to this folder.
1 In Windows Explorer, select the folder, and choose Properties from the right-click menu.
2 In Properties, choose Security.
3 In Security, choose Edit.
4 In Group or user names, select the user running the Dubnium server, as shown in Figure 6‑11. If the user is not in the list, choose Add and select the user to be added.
5 In Permissions for <user>, in Full control, select Allow. Choose Apply. Choose OK.
In Security, choose OK.
In Properties, choose OK.
Figure 6‑11 Setting folder privileges
4 Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to:
C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium
5 Open the engine_configuration.ini file in Notepad. The file looks like the one in Listing 6‑3.
Listing 6‑3 engine_configuration.ini
repository = C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium\databases
path = C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium\log\engine.log
verbosity = 6
admin_file_path = C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium\admin.sqlite
maxmemorysystem = 2048
maxmemorythread = 1024
6 Modify the following line:
repository = C:\Program Files\Actuate11SP4\BIRTAnalytics\dubnium\databases
repository = C:\Production\SalesData
7 Save and close the file.
8 In Services, select Dubnium Server and choose Start from the right-click menu.