Configuration of BIRT Analytics Application
BIRT Analytics Application is the web application that contains business logic and handles communication between the client application and the BIRT Analytics engine system.
After installing BIRT Analytics Application, the administrator can access the web.config file in the following folder in a default Windows installation to change the configuration:
The configurable parameters for BIRT Analytics Application are in the <appSettings> section of the web.config file. Listing 2‑2 shows the <appSettings> code.
Listing 2‑2 BIRT Analytics Application <appSettings> code
<add key="DefaultLanguage" value="en_UK" />
<!-- connectiontype={0=MySQL|1=SQLServer|2=Oracle|3=Oledb|4=ODBC
|5=SQLite} -->
<add key="connectiontype" value="1" />
<!-- MS-SQL 2005 Express-->
<add key="connectionstring" value="zGxdUg1TjeroiqtDUpIvmS7r/T9kjfvk
/MD3se+kUZqhSSwwXg2cQYrbCf2QK2NC/G7bN9zvxQU=" />
<add key="languageFile" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\Languages.xml" />
<add key="defaultclient" value="-1" />
<add key="xmlclassdictionary" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\XMLClassDictionary.xml" />
<add key="xmlpluginclassdictionary" value="C:\Program Files\
Actuate\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\PluginClassDictionary.xml" />
<add key="cachestore" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\CacheStore" />
<add key="ExportStore" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\ExportStore" />
<add key="OutboxStore" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\OutboxStore" />
<add key="ViewerStore" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\ViewerStore" />
<!--rows per page-->
<add key="ViewerRPP" value="100" />
<add key="MapStore" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate\BIRTAnalytics
\Electron\Maps" />
<add key="WSLongTimeOut" value="3600000" />
<add key="internallanguagefile" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\languages\Languages.xml" />
<!-- XSL -->
<add key="gridXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Grid.xsl" />
<add key="graphXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Grid_Graph.xsl" />
<add key="discreteGraphXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\xsl\Discrete_Graph.xsl" />
<add key="msGraphXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Grid_MsGraph.xsl" />
<add key="bblGraphXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Bubble_MsGraph.xsl" />
<add key="ExportCSVXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Export_CSV.xsl" />
<add key="ExportAssociationRulesXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot
\\qelectron\\xsl\ExportAssociationRules.xsl" />
<add key="ExportHTMLXsl" value="C:\dev\dubnium\Electron\AltFrontEnd
\AltFrontEnd\xsl\Export_HTML.xsl" />
<add key="frequencyXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Frequency.xsl" />
<add key="summaryTableXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\xsl\summary.xsl" />
<add key="ExportProfileXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\xsl\Export_profile.xsl" />
<add key="SortValidColumnsXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\xsl\SortValidColumns.xsl" />
<add key="RTFStyle" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\style\rtfStyle.xml" />
<add key="viewerChartStyle" value="C:\dev\dubnium\Electron
\AltWebService\style\viewerChartStyle.xml" />
<add key="ExportDiscreteCSVXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot
\\qelectron\\xsl\ExportDiscrete_CSV.xsl" />
<add key="WdFunnelXsl" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron\\xsl
\Funnel.xsl" />
<!-- IMG -->
<add key="vennImgFolder" value="C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\qelectron
\\VennImg" />
<add key="rtfImgHeader" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\img" />
<add key="importfolder" value="C:\Program Files\Actuate
\BIRTAnalytics\Electron\ImportFolder" />
<add key="filelines" value="5" />
<add key="AltFrontEnd_ChartImage_URI" value="../ChartImage.aspx" />
<add key="logconnectiontype" value="1" />
<add key="logconnectionstring" value="zGxdUg1TjeroiqtDUpIvmS7r
/T9kjfvk/MD3se+kUZqhSSwwXg2cQYrbCf2QK2NC/G7bN9zvxQU=" />
<!-- currentLogLevel:
Fatal = 0
[Error] = 1
Warning = 2
Info = 3
Debug = 4
<add key="currentLogLevel" value="1" />
<add key="AuditAllowed" value="0" />
<add key="DAU" value="NKPjRqPrhr4=" />
<add key="DAP" value="1VIIEzTM+TfYevps7kSYIA==" />
<add key="FileTransferPage" value="http://localhost:8080/protonws
/FileTransfer.jsp" />
<add key="columnsStatistics" value="1" />
<add key="analysisStatistics" value="0" />
<add key="DDWCronServiceName" value="DDW Cron service" />
<add key="lcontrol"..." />
Table 2‑2 lists these BIRT Analytics Application web.config parameters and describes their function.
Table 2‑2 BIRT Analytics Application web.config parameters
Default language for the application.
Database connection type used by the application. For example, a connection type value =1 specifies SQL Server. The installation process sets this value. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Database connection details used by the application, such as the connection type and other data required by the database. The installation process sets this value. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Path where the file containing the languages settings for the application are located.
Type of application to use depending on the type of web services used by the client. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Method and class path to call when executing application logic. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
XML file containing references to additional plug-in modules to call when executing application logic. This file is similar to xmlclassdictionary.
Folder to use as the container for temporary cache files generated by the application. When changing this parameter, the administrator must make sure that the application has permission to write to the new folder. The information stored in this folder is encrypted for security reasons.
Folder to use as the container for temporary export files generated by the application. When changing this parameter, the administrator must make sure that the application has permission to write to the new folder.
Folder to use as the container for temporary viewer files generated by the application. When changing this parameter, the administrator must make sure that the application has permission to write to the new folder.
Folder to use as the container for SVG files used by the application for map representations. When changing this parameter, the administrator must make sure that the application has permission to write to the new folder.
Maximum number of milliseconds permitted for a web service response. BIRT Analytics Application maintains constant communication with the ProtonWS service using web services. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in grid processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in discrete graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in Microsoft graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in bubble graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in CSV export processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in association rules export processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in HTML export processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in frequency graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in summary table processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in export profile processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in sorting valid column processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
XML that contains the basic parameter specifications for modifying styles used during the generation of RTF.
XML that contains the basic parameter specifications for modifying styles used during the generation of viewer charts.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in exporting discrete graph CSV. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Internal folder used for manipulating XML in funnel graph processing. This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter or the XSL.
Path where the files containing Venn graph representations are located. The GIF files can be edited to alter the colors, but do not change other settings, such as the area size or canvas.
Path where the report header image is stored.
Folder where files are stored temporarily during import processing. When modifying the import path, make sure that the application has permission to write to this location.
This parameter is for internal use only. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Database connection type used by the event register manager. For example, a connection type value =1 specifies SQL Server. The installation process sets this value. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Database connection details used by the event register manager. such as the connection type and other data required by the database. The installation process sets this value. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Parameter used by the event register manager to determine the logging level for events. The values, names, and descriptions for each level are:
*0 for Fatal
Serious error that blocked execution of the application
*1 for Error
Isolated non-fatal error that occurred during a specific action
*2 for Notice
Alert about an incident detected during a specific action
*3 for Information
General informative messages
*4 for Debug
Technical information regarding the execution of a specific action useful for troubleshooting
The event types, Audit and SensitiveData, are not affected by this parameter.
Parameter used to indicate to the event register manager whether to audit an event. The system records the user, action, and date. Actuate recommends activating this parameter in a production environment by setting AuditAllowed=1.
Administrator username used to establish a connection to the analytical engine. This parameter is required during the installation process.
Administrator password used to establish a connection to the analytical engine. This parameter is required during the installation process.
URL of the file transfer page used for downloading the ProtonWS data stream.
Boolean parameter indicating whether to accumulate statistical information on column usage.
Internal folder for manipulating XML. Actuate does not recommend changing this parameter.
Indicates whether to perform usage statistics analysis. Specify true or false. Default is false.
Name of service used for engine management events.
License data that specifies the following restrictions:
*Number of active users in the database
*Number of configured engines in the farm
*Name of the server where an installation is done
Exceeding any restriction causes the application to throw a fatal exception and fail to start.