Managing security filters
The Security filters option allows the administrator to create, modify, or delete a security filter and specify a NetScaler Web Logging (NSWL) query to control access to data. NetScaler Web Logging tracks HTTP data traffic and writes information to a log file in a standard format.
This option provides the following choices:
Choose Create to define a new security filter. In New security filter group, specify the name, provide a description, and type a query in the edit panel, such as the following example:
select # from [Demo].[Household]
where [Demo].[Household].[Town]='LONDON';
The query must conform to the following syntactical rules:
* The letters in the SELECT command must be all uppercase (SELECT) or all lowercase (select)
* Objects names, such as columns and tables, are case sensitive
* The wildcard parameter is #
*Only a simple query is supported
Figure 1‑14 shows the Create security filter definition.
Choose Test query to validate the query. If valid, the application displays the number of registers obtained and adds the query. Choose OK to add the security filter to the list of current groups.
Figure 1‑14 Creating a security filter
*Create As
In Current groups, select a security filter, then choose Create As to define a new filter containing the settings specified for the existing filter. In Create As, specify the name, provide a description, and modify the query in the edit panel, as shown in Figure 1‑15.
Choose Test query to validate the query. If valid, the application displays the number of registers obtained and adds the query. Choose OK to add the security filter to the list of current groups.
Figure 1‑15 Using Create As to create a security filter
In Current groups, select an existing filter, then choose Modify to change the settings specified for an existing filter. In Updating group, specify the name, provide a description, and modify the query in the edit panel, as shown in Figure 1‑16.
Choose Test query to validate the query. If valid, the application displays the number of registers obtained and adds the query to the query list. Choose OK to add the security filter to the list of current groups.
Figure 1‑16 Modifying an existing security filter
In Current groups, select an existing filter, then choose Delete to remove a filter from the list. In Deleting filter, the name, description, and query filter appears, as shown in Figure 1‑17. Choose OK to confirm deleting the filter from the list of current groups.
Figure 1‑17 Deleting a security filter