Scheduling load processes
As good practice, to not disturb the analysis process, load data when BIRT Analytics users are not in the system. Scheduling allows you to run the load processes overnight, or at times when the system is idle.
Scheduled tasks allows you to create and manage scheduled tasks, as shown in Figure 6‑4.
Figure 6‑4 Scheduling tasks
The following activities are available:
Refresh scheduled tasks.
Create new tasks. When creating a new task, you must provide the following information, as shown in Figure 6‑5:
Figure 6‑5 Creating a scheduled task
Select a project name.
Time settings, such as minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week. Time settings use the following syntax:
Minutes within the hour (0-59)
The hour of the day (0-23)
*Day of month
The day of the month (1-31)
The month (1-12)
*Day of week
The day of the week (0-7), where both 0 and 7 are Sunday
To specify multiple values for one column, the following operators are available, as listed in Table 6‑1, in the order of precedence.
Table 6‑1 Scheduling operators
Match all values of a field.
Using an asterisk in Month indicates every month.
Define a range.
1-5 in Day of week means from Monday to Friday.
Specify multiple values based on a start position and a period.
*/15 in Minute selects 0, 15, 30, 45 minutes.
3-59/15 in Minute indicates the third minute of the hour and every 15 minutes thereafter.
Commas are used to separate items of a list.
0,30 for minutes, or 1,3,5 for days of the week.
The task will not run if Active is deselected.
A short note describing the scheduled task.
Edit tasks.
Remove tasks.
*View logs
View execution logs, as shown in Figure 6‑6.
Figure 6‑6 Viewing scheduled task log