Data exploration
Table 2‑21 describes the functionalities that control data exploration management.
Table 2‑21 Data exploration functionalities
Data Exploration
Controls settings for all Data Exploration functionalities.
Frontend: Explorer
Export statistics
Allows user to export statistics in RTF format.
Frontend: Explorer (statistics field)
Export summary
Allows user to export a summary for a table or field in file format.
(summary field)
View discrete values graphic
Limits access to a discrete values graphic from a specific column.
Frontend: Explorer (discrete values graphic field)
View frequency distribution
Controls access to Frequency tab
Frontend: Explorer
(frequency tab)
View records
Controls access to records in the database.
Frontend: Explorer
View statistics
Controls access to statistics for a field in the database.
Frontend: Explorer (register field)
View summary
Limits access to field and table summaries. User must have access to underlying data to view summary.
Frontend: Explorer (summary field)