Defining password policy
The Password policies page allows the administrator to define rules to use in specifying a user password. The following choices are available, as shown in Figure 1‑15:
Select any of the following items to define password policies:
*It must contain at least one lowercase letter
*It must contain at least one uppercase letter
*It must include at least one of these characters
_, -, !, ·, $, %, (, ), =, |, @, #, €, *, ~, ",", ., " "
*It must include at least one number
*Password length has to be greater than 6 characters
*Password length has to be greater than 8 characters
*Password length has to be greater than 10 characters
Click Actions and choose Save to implement the password policy changes.
Figure 1‑15 Configuring password policies
To see any changes that another administrator made to the password policies, click Actions and choose Refresh.