Planning a campaign
Planning a campaign involves organizing a set of goal‑oriented activities. Creating campaign structure by defining a strategy and cells establishes a manageable path toward completing the campaign. Defining campaign properties completes the campaign structure. Campaign workflow planning supports completing multiple activities toward a campaign goal.
This section describes how to define campaign strategies, properties, and cells.
About campaign properties
You define a campaign by setting the following properties:
*General Data
A code, name, and description that identify a campaign
Calendar dates on which activities in a campaign begin and end
Database table that stores records on which a campaign runs
A selected segment of data on which a campaign runs
Records generated because of campaign activities
Creating a strategy
A campaign strategy names and describes one or multiple campaigns. A strategy supports grouping multiple campaigns. BIRT Analytics Campaign Workflow Planning supports creating a branched hierarchy containing strategies and campaigns.
How to create a strategy for a campaign
1 In Campaign Workflow, select Planning.
2 Right‑click Strategies and choose New Strategy.
3 In New Strategy, type a name and description of a unique strategy, as shown in Figure 7‑9.
Figure 7‑9 Creating a new strategy for a campaign
4 Choose OK.
Creating a campaign
Creating a campaign requires a strategy. As a best practice, establish a strategy, then create one, or multiple campaigns in that strategy. Modify the scope of a strategy as necessary, to accommodate expanding campaign activities.
Note: For convenience, when creating or editing a campaign, you can resize the upper List of Actions panel and / or the lower Campaign properties panel.
How to create a new campaign
1 Choose Campaign Workflow—Planning.
2 In Planning, right‑click a strategy and choose New Campaign.
3 In Campaign Detail—Campaign’s Properties—General Data, shown in Figure 7‑10, type the following information:
*In Code, specify only one campaign.
*In Name, type a name for this campaign code.
*Optionally, describe the campaign name and code.
Figure 7‑10 Adding general properties for a new campaign
4 In Campaign’s Properties—Dates, shown in Figure 7‑11, select the following options:
*In Start Date and End Date, select values representing dates on which campaign activities begin and finish.
*Optionally, select Number of times. Then, select a number to set how many times to repeat all campaign activities between the defined start and end dates.
Figure 7‑11 Adding a date range for a new campaign
5 In Campaign Properties—Resolution, select a resolution level, as shown in Figure 7‑12.
Figure 7‑12 Selecting a resolution level for a new campaign
6 Optionally, to limit the resolution level of a campaign, select De-duplicate and choose a column name from the list.
For example, consider a campaign to contact all customers by setting the resolution level to Customers table. To limit customers contacted to one‑per‑household, limit the campaign resolution by selecting De‑duplicate and selecting Household ID.
7 In Campaign’s Properties—Domains, define any selections to include or exclude in the campaign, as shown in Figure 7‑13.
Figure 7‑13 Defining a selection to exclude for a new campaign
8 In Campaign’s Properties—Responses, select Deadline for Responses. Then, select a date value to set a deadline for responses to be included in this campaign, as shown in Figure 7‑14.
Figure 7‑14 Setting a response collection deadline for a new campaign
9 In Campaign detail, choose Save.
Saving a campaign locks property modification for all users except the user creating the campaign.
How to unlock a campaign
To unlock a campaign for editing by other users, choose Check in, as shown in Figure 7‑15.
Figure 7‑15 Unlocking a campaign for modification
No blocked appears for an unlocked campaign, as shown in Figure 7‑16.
Figure 7‑16 Examining an unlocked campaign
How to exclude a segment of records from a campaign
1 In Campaign Properties—Domains, select Domain in Exclusion domains, as shown in Figure 7‑17.
Figure 7‑17 Selecting exclude domain for a campaign
2 From Scratchpad, drag a data segment and drop it in Exclusion domains—Domain.
For example, to exclude all male directors from a campaign, create a segment that includes only male directors. Then, drag the Male Directors segment from Scratchpad and drop it Exclusion domains, as shown in Figure 7‑18.
Figure 7‑18 Excluding a segment from a campaign
In Campaign detail, choose Save.
How to define a segment as a campaign domain
1 In Campaign Properties—Domains, select Domain in Inclusion domains, as shown in Figure 7‑19.
Figure 7‑19 Selecting include domain for a campaign
2 From Scratchpad, drag a data segment and drop it in Inclusion domains—Domain.
For example, to define the domain of a campaign to include only those customers who buy product MA:
1 In My Data, find the Product Group MA value in the Order detail table.
2 Drag Product Group MA and drop it in Scratchpad, as shown in Figure 7‑20.
Figure 7‑20 Selecting a segment for a campaign domain
3 Change the resolution of Product Group EQ MA segment to Customers, as shown in Figure 7‑21.
*In Scratchpad, right‑click Product Group EQ MA and choose Change resolution level.
Figure 7‑21 Changing the resolution level for a segment
*In Change resolution level, select Customer table and choose OK.
*Rename the segment Customers who buy MA, as shown in Figure 7‑22.
Figure 7‑22 Renaming a segment
4 In Campaign Properties—Domains, in Inclusion Domain, select Domain.
5 Drag a segment from Scratchpad and drop it into Inclusion domains—Domain, as shown in Figure 7‑23.
Figure 7‑23 Including a segment as a campaign domain
3 In Campaign detail, choose Save.
About campaign cells
A campaign cell defines an action executed according to defined properties for all records in a segment. The action is defined to accomplish a specific goal in a campaign. For example, you can set cell properties that generate a specific text message to each male customer who purchased an Android phone. You can set a cell to execute at a specific time or coincident with a specific event during a campaign. A cell also may collect response data associated with records in a segment, according to business rules defined as cell properties.
To modify or delete an existing cell, in Campaign Detail—List of cells, select a cell and choose Modify or Delete, as shown in Figure 7‑24.
Figure 7‑24 Modifying a campaign cell
How to create a cell in a campaign
1 In Campaign Detail, in List of cells, choose Create.
2 In Cell—General data, provide descriptive information for the cell, as shown in Figure 7‑25.
1 In Code, specify a cell for the campaign.
2 In Name, type a name for this campaign cell.
3 In Description, describe this campaign cell.
4 In Media, select a media type.
5 In Action, select an action type.
Figure 7‑25 Adding descriptive information to a campaign cell
3 In Cell—Sizes, limit the size of the campaign using the following steps, as shown in Figure 7‑26:
1 In Minimum count, set a low value in the range of records for which the cell executes.
2 In Maximum count, set a high value in the range of records for which the cell executes.
3 In Sample method, select the type of method by which the cell selects records.
4 In Remaining, select one of the following options:
*Pass on. This option saves cell result records for use in subsequently executed cells.
*Exclude from others. This options prevents saving cell result records.
Figure 7‑26 Adding size and sampling properties to a campaign cell
4 In Cell—Domains, define the campaign cell domain. To specify a selection or domain for the cell, drag a selection or a segment from Data Tree and drop it in Selection or Domain, as shown in Figure 7‑27.
Figure 7‑27 Defining the domain for a campaign cell
5 In Cell—Control, define a control cell and set parameters. Select a control type, sample size, and sample method, as shown in Figure 7‑28.
Figure 7‑28 Defining a control cell
To determine the effectiveness of a cell, compare cell results to the control cell.
6 Optionally, in Cell—Responses, select Implied response rules. Then, define a business rule using a segment from which responses generate, as shown in Figure 7‑29.
Figure 7‑29 Adding a response rule to a campaign cell
7 Choose Save.