About transforming data
Transformation is the process of manipulating data. Any manipulation beyond copying is a transformation. Examples include cleaning, aggregating and integrating data from multiple sources. Transforming the data is executed after the load process is finished.
Transformation processes are managed in the Transform tab of BIRT Analytics Loader. Figure 5‑1 shows the transforms used in the demo database.
Figure 5‑1 Transforming data
The transformation script consists of one or more script files. The list of the script files is displayed in the Name section of the Includes panel in the Transform tab. The Main file, displayed in the Main file panel, is the first file executed after a data load.
A new form for creating a new transaction opens on the right side of the Main file area. This happens whenever you choose a new Instruction type to define.
You can resize each of the three areas on the Transform screen by positioning your pointer on the area borders, and dragging the pointer in the desired direction.