Exploring column properties
To view column properties, in the Repository tree, double-click a column name to open the
Column screen where you can view both the Attributes and Discretes for the chosen column.
The Attributes tab in the Column screen displays a value for each of the following column properties:
Internal code that identifies the column
A column name
*Full name
Full column name in the following format:
Type of data (text, integer, and so on)
Number of column’s discrete values
Number of rows in the database
Number of column’s null values
Column size
Indicates if column is indexed
Indicates if the column is dynamic or permanent
For example, Figure 4‑4 shows all properties defined for the Occupation Decode column in the Customer table.
Figure 4‑4 Exploring properties of a permanent column
In this case the column is “Not derived” (dynamic - having no data values). Discretes displays values for only the following column properties:
Discrete value of the column
Number of records for which the column has this value
Percentile of the count number to the total number of records
For example, Figure 4‑5 shows all discrete values defined for the Occupation Decode column in the Customer table.
Figure 4‑5 Exploring discrete values