Working with charts : Formatting a chart : Changing the number and range of values on the y‑axis : How to format a chart
How to format a chart
1 While viewing a chart in Data Analyzer, right-click the chart area, and choose Edit.
2 In Chart Builder—Data, choose Format.
3 In Chart Builder—Format, specify the titles and options, then choose OK.
For example, Figure 6‑34 shows format selections for a sample bar chart. Notice for this chart, the Categories (X Axis) Title appears on the vertical axis on the left, and the Values (Y Axis) Title appears on the horizontal axis at the bottom, which are reversed from the positions for a column chart.
Figure 6‑34 Selecting data on Chart Builder—Format
The chart updates, reflecting your changes. Figure 6‑35 shows a bar chart with the formatting applied.
Figure 6‑35 Viewing a formatted bar chart