Customizing and integrating BIRT Studio : Actuate BIRT Studio URIs : Using the BIRT Studio servlet
Using the BIRT Studio servlet
The BIRT Studio servlet loads the BIRT Studio user interface and establishes a connection to a report repository. A report repository is required in order to use the servlet.
Invoke the BIRT Studio servlet as:
http://<web server>:<port>/<context root>/wr?<parameters>
URI parameters
The BIRT Studio servlet requires repository parameters in order to operate. Table 16‑1 lists and describes the URI parameters for the BIRT Studio servlet.
Table 16‑1 BIRT Studio URI parameters
URI parameter
The repository type. Use Enterprise for an Encyclopedia volume.
The URL of an iHub machine.
The name of an Encyclopedia volume that is managed by the iHub URL to which you connect.
The name of a server configured in VolumeProfile.xml. BIRT Studio uses the volume information in a VolumeProfile entry except when a volume parameter specifies a different one.