Customizing and integrating BIRT Studio : Actuate BIRT Studio URIs : Using the BIRT Studio URLs
Using the BIRT Studio URLs
You can log in to BIRT Studio by typing a URL in a web browser’s address field. After you type a URL and press Enter, the login page appears. What happens after you log in depends on which URL you use. In addition to the initial BIRT Studio page, you can open BIRT Studio with:
*A specific report design
*A specific template
*A report design that accesses a specific information object
*A report design that accesses a specific information object and a report template
In the example URLs in the following topics, special characters are represented by codes, as shown in Table 16‑2.
Table 16‑2 Codes for special characters in URLs
Colon (:)
Slash (/)
Period (.)
Space ( )
How to log in
To access the BIRT Studio login page, use a URL like the one in the following example:
*urup:8700 is the name of the computer on which Information Console is installed and the port you use to access Information Console.
*iportal is the context root for Information Console.
*wr is the default context root for accessing BIRT Studio.
*? indicates the beginning of a parameter that indicates where to access BIRT Studio files.
*repositoryType=Enterprise indicates that the repository type is Encyclopedia volume.
*&serverurl=http%3a%2f%2furup%3a8000&v__vp=urup specifies the URL to the Actuate BIRT iHub and Encyclopedia volume from the urup volume profile in which you work.
To log in and go directly to the BIRT Studio design environment, add userid and password parameters to the URL, as shown in the following example:
Sending security information such as the user name and password in a URL is not a recommended approach.
How to open BIRT Studio and load an existing report design
To open an existing report design in BIRT Studio, use a URL like the one shown in the following example:
*__report=%2fHome%2fPublic%2fCustomers%2erptdesign is the path to the report design to use.
*pCountry=USA is a parameter-value pair for the report design.