Designing reports using BIRT Studio : Editing and formatting report content : Merging data into one column
Merging data into one column
You can merge the data from two or more columns into one column. When you merge data, the data appears on multiple lines. This format is ideal for some types of data, such as addresses. This format also enables you to include more columns without exceeding the width of a page. The following section describes how to merge data into a single column, and how to work with data in a merged column.
Compare the report designs in Figure 2‑21 and Figure 2‑22. In Figure 2‑21, the report design displays each piece of the address information in a separate column. In Figure 2‑22, the data in the AddressLine1, City, State, and Zip columns are merged.
Figure 2‑21 A report design displaying address information in multiple columns
Figure 2‑22 A report design displaying address information in a merged column
When you merge data from multiple columns, the column headers also appear on multiple rows, as shown in Figure 2‑22. You can improve the format by merging the column headers to remove the City, State, Zip column headers, and editing the remaining column header. Figure 2‑23 shows the improved format.
Figure 2‑23 A report design displaying merged column headers in a single row