Building analytic dashboards : About data visualization gadgets
About data visualization gadgets
You can use various Actuate gadgets to build interactive and visually rich displays from BIRT data objects. Users can perform the following actions using data visualization gadgets:
*Cascading data choices and filtering with data selection gadgets
*Drilling down through data categories or series
*Exporting visual content and data
*Interactive filtering of gadget data
*Maximized viewing of selected gadget
*Printing visual content
Some gadgets offer special user interaction. For example, doughnut and pie charts also support data slicing and chart rotation. Charts support zooming into displayed data using the x‑axis, y‑axis or both. Users can launch BIRT Data Analyzer on selected cross tabs.
Chart gadgets also support custom JavaScript interactions when the JavaScript is part of the theme that they are using.
Table 4‑1 describes data visualization gadgets available for use in a dashboard.
Table 4‑1 Data visualization gadget types
Chart gadgets display data from a selected data object file in an HTML5-based chart. Users can filter, group, and aggregate data. Available chart types are area, bar, column, doughnut, line, pie, and scatter.
Cross tab
Cross tab gadgets display aggregated data in rows and columns. Users can analyze and manipulate this data by opening the cross tab in BIRT Data Analyzer. Users can load the cross tab into BIRT Data Analyzer by double‑clicking the gadget header.
Flash gadgets display data from a data object file as an Adobe Flash-based image. Users can filter, group, and aggregate data. Available Flash gadget types are bullet, cylinder, linear gauge, meter, sparkline, and thermometer.
Flex table
Flex table gadgets display data set values from a data object in a row and column layout. Various aggregation options are available to summarize data.
Table gadgets display data set values from a data object in a row and column layout. Various aggregation options are available to summarize data.
You can link these gadgets to data selection gadgets, such as a list, to enable users to filter displayed data. Users can share an entire dashboards using these gadgets or share only a selected gadget for other users to add in their own dashboards.