Building analytic dashboards : About data visualization gadgets : Using a table gadget
Using a table gadget
A table displays data sets in a row-and-column format. Summarizing table data presents aggregate data information in a report, providing users with a concise view of the data. For example, a table can display order dates, order numbers and the total value of every order or group values by month to show the monthly sum of orders.
Table gadgets display data from a BIRT data object or data object design file. Dashboard developers can limit the data displayed using filters. If the displayed data includes hyperlinks on the values those links are visible to gadget users.
For example, a BIRT data object listing order numbers and customer names, has hyperlinks on the order number that takes a user to the actual order. When displayed in a table, all values in the order numbers column have hyperlinks that a user can select. Selecting the order number hyperlink opens the order in the user’s browser.
Table values support formatting, conditional formatting, grouping, sorting, aggregation and computed column creation when the context menu is used in the table.
Dashboard developers can customize table gadget options using the Table Builder—General options. For more information about general options, see Setting general gadget options, earlier in this section.