Building operational dashboards : About extras gadgets : Setting general gadget options
Setting general gadget options
All extras gadgets have general options to display the gadget on the dashboard. The following general gadget options are available after an extras gadget is created:
*Auto Refresh
*Enable Scroll bar
*Show Border
*Show Header
Auto refresh sets a gadget to refresh at a set frequency. This causes the gadget and its content to be reloaded at the set interval. Dashboard developers can set the exact size of the gadget using Dimensions. You can set the width only when the gadget is floating or in a dashboard using the free form layout.
Showing the header or border makes those parts of the gadget visible. Enabling the scroll bar displays a scroll bar when the gadget content extends beyond the size of the gadget. These options appear when editing a gadget, as shown in Figure 3‑17.
Figure 3‑17 Configuring general options for extras gadgets