Using BIRT dashboards : Using the personal dashboard : Saving dashboard changes
Saving dashboard changes
Changes to a user dashboard or to a dashboard file that you have permission to edit are saved automatically at a time interval configured by the volume administrator. You can use the save status to verify that the current changes will be available the next time that you log in to Information Console.
Figure 4‑16 shows a dashboard save status.
Figure 4‑16 Verifying the save status of a dashboard
The save status displays the following information:
*Save: the dashboard has not yet been saved or a saved dashboard has been changed since the last time it was saved.
*Saving: your changes are being saved.
*Saved: previous changes have been saved and there are no other changes to the dashboard that you can save.
You can save changes to dashboards on your personal dashboard by clicking the save status when it displays Save. Shared dashboards continue to reset to the most recent version but user dashboards will save their most recent changes.
Dashboards opened as a file from the Information Console file explorer have the following save options if you have permission to edit the dashboard:
*Save: save the current dashboard settings to the existing dashboard file.
*Save as: save the current dashboard to a new dashboard file.