Format | Example of data display |
General Number | 6066.45 or 6066.5 or 6067, depending on the original value. This format displays up to two decimal places. Whole numbers and numbers with one or two decimal places appear in their original format. |
Currency | $6,067.45 or ¥6067 or 6067€, depending on the symbol, symbol position, decimal place, and thousands separator values that you set. |
Fixed | 6067 or 6067.5 or 6,067.45, depending on the decimal place and thousands separator values that you set. |
Percent | 45% or 45.8% or %45, depending on the symbol position and decimal place values that you set. This format multiplies the original value by 100 and adds the percent (%) symbol. |
Scientific | 2E04 or 2.67E04, depending on the decimal place value you set. The number after the E represents the exponent of 10. For example, 2.67E04 means 2.67 multiplied by 10 raised to the fourth power. |