Using Actuate BIRT Viewers : Navigating a report : Printing a report
Printing a report
After viewing a report, you can print it in HTML or PDF format. In Interactive Viewer, you can print either the original report or the modified report. You can print a maximum of 200 pages.
How to print a report
1 From the main menu, choose Print.
2 On Print, complete the following tasks:
1 In Format, select HTML or PDF.
*If you select HTML, the report is formatted for printing as a continuous document in the browser window. Any page headers and footers appear in the body of the document, often multiple times, depending on how many pages the report contains. A multipage report does not retain its pagination properties when you choose to print it in HTML format.
*If you select PDF, you can specify page style options for a multipage report. Select a page format from the list, as shown in Figure 2‑8.
*Auto is the default option. When you choose Auto, Interactive Viewer lays out the data such that the report content fits the width of the PDF page. If the report uses headers and footers, each header and footer are displayed in the appropriate location. Because the content is optimized in terms of font, and space, a single page in the report often displays on multiple pages in the PDF file. When you use the Auto option, existing pagination properties in the report are not retained in the PDF file, but the PDF output is paginated.
Figure 2‑8 Printing a report
*Choosing Actual Size retains existing pagination properties from the original report. When you choose this option, the font size in the printed report is often significantly smaller than in the original report, to allow the content to fit within specified page boundaries. After you send the document to a printer, further modify options on the printer dialog box as needed, so that the printed report is legible.
*Choosing Scale to page size retains the existing pagination properties from the original report in the PDF output. Interactive Viewer shrinks report content such as fonts, and images, to fit each current report page on each page in the PDF output.
2 In Pages, indicate which pages to print. You can print all the pages in the report, only the current page, or a specific set of pages. To print specific pages, use commas to separate the page numbers. To print a range of pages, enter the start and end page, separating the two entries with a hyphen. To print from a specific page to the end of the document, enter the start page followed by a hyphen.
Choose OK.
3 Depending on your format selection in Print, you have the following options:
*If you selected HTML format, Print appears. Specify your printer options on Print.
*If you selected PDF format, the report appears in your web browser using a PDF viewer plug-in. You can preview the report, then choose Print to specify printer options. Review the options on the printer dialog box to make sure that the report content is legible.
Your report is sent to the printer you specify.