Using Actuate BIRT Viewers : Organizing data in a report : Hiding and displaying report elements : Suppressing duplicate values : How to suppress duplicate values in a grouped column
How to suppress duplicate values in a grouped column
1 Select the column with the duplicate values. From the context menu, choose ColumnMove to Group Header.
2 On Move to Group Header, as shown in Figure 5‑22, perform the following tasks:
*Select the group to which you want to move the data values, if the report contains more than one group.
*Select the header row to which Interactive Viewer can move the data values.
Figure 5‑22 Selecting a group header
Repeat this step for each report column for which you want to move data rows to the group header. Choose OK. The value from the first data row in each group appears in each group header. The Customer Number, Credit Limit, and Product Line columns display a single data row for each Customer Name group header, as shown in Figure 5‑23.
Figure 5‑23 Displaying a report showing suppressed duplicate values