Working with charts : Selecting data for a chart : Selecting data for a doughnut or pie chart
Selecting data for a doughnut or pie chart
To customize a doughnut or pie chart, you can change the following values using Chart Builder—Data. Figure 6‑25 displays values for a chart using the cross tab values in the sample report document, Crosstab Sample Revenue.rptdocument.
Figure 6‑25 Specifying data values in Chart Builder—Data
*In Data, you can select Use Default Hyperlink if it is available. If you select this option, you can hover the pointer over a legend item to highlight a corresponding item in the chart.
*In Slice:
From the items in the list, select which category to display as a slice, or segment, of the pie chart. For example, the sample chart can display revenue values for the 12 months of the year, the 4 quarters of the year, the entire year, or for each product line. Figure 6‑25 displays the selection of Product - PRODUCTLINE.
*In Value:
For Select Value, select a value. For the sample chart, only Revenue ‑ revenue value is available.
*In Tooltip:
From the available items in the list, select which value to display in a tooltip when you hover the pointer over an item in the chart. In the sample chart, for example, the default values that appear when the pointer hovers over a chart column are the category name and data value. You can change the value to a different value, such as Category Data, Value Series Name, or Value Data.