Exporting content to Microsoft Word format
Data Analyzer supports exporting content to Microsoft Word (DOC) and Word (DOCX) format. To export content to either version of Word, in Export Content, specify the following information:
Page range
To export all pages, leave the page range blank, which is the default setting. For multipage content, you can specify a page range or specify the page numbers to export.
Chart DPI
Specify the output dpi (dots per inch) for charts. To view the exported chart in higher resolution, increase the dpi value, which can result in a larger output file size. The default value is 192 dpi.
How to export content to Word format
1 Choose Export Content.
2 In Export Content, in Export Format, select Word (DOC) or Word (DOCX).
Figure 7‑8 Selecting Word format options in Export Content
3 In Page Settings, specify the following options:
Page range
Chart DPI
Choose OK.
4 File Download appears. Choose Open or Save.
When you open the file, the content appears in the Word format you specified.