Configuring data source connections in iHub : Using a connection configuration file : Setting the location of a connection configuration file
Setting the location of a connection configuration file
There is no default location for the connection configuration file. iHub uses the value of the configuration file parameter to locate the connection configuration file.
If you do not specify a value for this parameter, iHub uses the database connection properties in the report executable file. When you set or change the value of the configuration file parameter, you must restart iHub for the change to take effect.
On a Windows operating system, the configuration file parameter can specify a path and file name or a URL. For example:
On a UNIX or Linux operating system, the parameter value can only be a path and file name. The parameter value cannot be a URL.
If you have an iHub cluster, each iHub in the cluster must have access to the file. You must use a local absolute path for each machine in the cluster. If you use a single copy of the file for a cluster, put the file in a shared location and set the path to that shared location for all iHubs in the cluster.
How to set up a configuration file in iHub Configuration Console
To set up a connection configuration file, create the file and specify the name and location using the ConnConfigFile parameter in iHub Configuration Console.
1 Log in to iHub Configuration Console.
2 From the banner, select Advanced view.
3 From the side menu, select Server Configuration Templates.
4 In Server Configuration Templates, select the name of the template to modify.
5 In Properties Settings, select iHub to expand the property list.
6 In the iHub property list, choose Database Connection Configuration File.
7 In Actuate—Server properties, in Configuration file for database connections, type the configuration file’s location, as shown in Figure 24‑25.
8 Restart iHub.
Figure 24‑25 Specifying the location of a connection file