Creating hyperlinks to provide drill-down capability
Hyperlinks are commonly used in reports to enable users to find related information or drill down to more detailed data. For example, a summary report that displays sales totals by region can use hyperlinks to link each region to another report that displays detailed sales data. To provide this functionality in a dashboard or in a report, create hyperlinks in the following items in a data object:
Data set columns
Dimensions and measures in a cube
You can create the following types of hyperlinks:
Drill-through, to link to a bookmarked location in a report
URI, to link to a document or a web page
Figure 2‑11 shows an example of a drill-through hyperlink definition that specifies a link to a bookmark, row["COUNTRY"], in a target report named SalesByCountryAndProduct.rptdesign.
Figure 2‑11 Definition of a drill-through hyperlink to link to a report
Figure 2‑12 shows an example of a URI hyperlink definition that specifies a link to a document.
Figure 2‑12 Definition of a hyperlink that uses a URI to link to a document
How to create a hyperlink from a data set column
This procedure assumes that you have already created a data object and added a data set to it.
1 Open the data object.
2 In Data Explorer, double-click the data set to edit it.
3 In Edit Data Set, choose Output Columns, then double-click the column to which to add a hyperlink. Edit Output Column displays the properties of the selected column, as shown in
Figure 2‑13.
Figure 2‑13 Edit Output Columns displaying the properties of a column
4 Choose Edit next to the Link To property.
5 In Hyperlink Options, select the type of hyperlink to create, then set the properties of the hyperlink. These steps are the same as the steps for defining a hyperlink in a report, and are described in BIRT: A Field Guide.
How to create a hyperlink from a dimension or measure in a cube
This procedure assumes that you have already created a data object and added a cube to it.
1 Open the data object.
2 In Data Explorer, double-click the cube to edit it.
3 In the cube builder, choose Groups and Summaries.
4 Under Groups and Summaries, double-click the dimension or measure to which to add a hyperlink.
The properties of the selected dimension or measure appear.
Figure 2‑14 shows the properties of a measure.
Figure 2‑14 Edit Summary Field displaying the properties of a measure
5 Choose Edit next to the Link To property.
6 In Hyperlink Options, select the type of hyperlink to create, then set the properties of the hyperlink. These steps are the same as the steps for defining a hyperlink in a report, and are described in BIRT: A Field Guide.