How to create a joined data set
This procedure assumes that you have created the data sets to be included in the joined data set.
1 In Data Explorer, right-click Data Sets, and choose Join Data Set.
2 In New Data Set, in Data Set Name, optionally type a name for the joined data set.
3 Specify the data sets to use in the joined data set. Under Available data sets, drag each data set to the editing area.
Figure 10‑12 shows three data sets in the editing area.
Figure 10‑12 Three data sets selected for a joined data set
4 Specify the fields from each data set to include in the joined data set. Perform the following tasks for each data set:
1 Select a data set by clicking anywhere in the image of the data set. Do not, however, click on a field name.
2 Choose Output Columns.
3 In Edit Data Set Properties, under Select output columns, select the desired data set fields, then choose OK.
5 Specify the conditions for joining the data sets. Perform the following tasks for each pair of data sets. In the example shown in
Figure 10‑12, specify a condition for joining the first and second data sets, and a condition for joining the second and third data sets.
1 Select the arrow between two data sets.
2 Choose Conditions.
3 In Define join type and join conditions, specify the following information:
In Join Type, select the type of join to use.
If you select a join type other than Side-By-Side, define a join condition.
Choose New.
Select the fields on which to join, and select a operator that specifies how to compare the values in the fields being joined.
Figure 10‑13 shows a join condition that combines data when the CUSTOMERNUMBER value in the Customers data set is equal to the CUSTOMERNUMBER value in the Orders data set.
Figure 10‑13 Joining data sets on a common field
Choose OK.
The Define join type and join conditions dialog displays the specified condition, as shown in
Figure 10‑14.
Figure 10‑14 Definition of an inner join
4 Choose OK.
6 Choose Finish to save the joined data set.