Writing expressions using EasyScript
Table 16‑1 lists the operators in EasyScript.
Table 16‑1 EasyScript operators 
Use to
Add two or more numeric values together
[OrderAmount] + [SalesTax]
Subtract one numeric value from another
[OrderAmount] ‑ [Discount]
Multiply numeric values
[Price] * [Quantity]
Divide numeric values
Raise a numeric value to a power
Specify a percent
[Price] * 80%
Test if two values are equal
IF([ProductName] = "1919 Ford Falcon", "Discontinued Item", [ProductName])
Test if one value is greater than another value
IF([Total] > 5000, [Total]*15%, [Total]*10%)
Test if one value is less than another value
IF([SalePrice] < [MSRP], "Below MSRP", "Above MSRP")
Test if one value is greater than or equal to another value
IF([Total] >= 5000, [Total]*15%, [Total]*10%)
Test if one value is less than or equal to another value
IF([SalePrice] <= [MSRP], "Below or equal to MSRP", "Above MSRP")
Test if two values are not equal
IF([Country] <> "USA", "Imported product", "Domestic product")
Test if two or more conditions are true
IF(([Gender] = "Male" AND [Salary] >= 150000 AND [Age] < 50), "Match found", "No match")
Test if any one of multiple conditions is true
IF(([City] = "Boston") OR ([City] = "San Francisco"), "U.S.", "Europe and Asia")
Concatenate string values
[FirstName] & " " & [LastName]