Using built‑in Flash charts and gadgets : Formatting a Flash gadget : AddOn properties
AddOn properties
AddOn properties support the creation of custom objects, called AddOns, to add to a gadget. You can add rectangles, polygons, circles, arcs, lines, text, and images to any gadget to enhance its appearance. You can create any number of objects and arrange objects on top of or behind one another.
Figure 14‑22 shows an example of adding two rectangles with rounded corners behind a meter gauge. To create this image, create one rectangle with a white border, then create another rectangle that is slightly larger. Use the same fill color for both rectangles. Place the larger rectangle behind the smaller rectangle.
Figure 14‑22 AddOn objects used to enhance a meter gadget
Figure 14‑23 shows the AddOns page. AddOns lists the two rectangles added to the meter gauge. The objects are listed in z order, which is the order from front to back.
Figure 14‑23 Format Gadget displaying a meter gauge and its AddOn properties
Figure 14‑24 shows the properties set for the larger rectangle. Notice that the size of the rectangle is not fixed. Rather, the size is a percentage of the gadget’s size. You define an AddOn’s size by specifying values for these four properties: Start X coordinate, Start Y coordinate, End X coordinate, and End Y coordinate. By using a relative size, AddOns adjust to the size of the gadget area.
Figure 14‑24 Properties of an AddOn object
Table 14‑15 shows the properties for creating the different types of objects that you can add to a gadget.
Table 14‑15 AddOn properties 
Object Type
Center X coordinate
Polygon, Circle, Arc
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the x coordinate of the object.
Center Y Coordinate
Polygon, Circle, Arc
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the y coordinate of the object.
Line, Text
Specifies the color of the line.
Dash Gap
Specifies the length of gaps between dashes, in pixels.
Dash Length
Specifies the length of dashes, in pixels.
End Angle
Circle, Arc
Specifies the end angle of the object.
End Color
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Specifies the end color of the gradient fill.
End X coordinate
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the end x value of the object.
End Y coordinate
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the end y value of the object.
Specifies the font for the object. You can also select Bold, Italic, or Underline.
Font Size
Specifies the font size in points.
Supports the selection of horizontal text alignment within the gadget.
Inner Radius
Specifies the radius of the inner portion of the object, as a percent of the size of the gadget.
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Select to have a gradient type of fill. Choose a Radial or Linear pattern.
Specifies the text that appears on the object.
Specifies the name of the object. This name appears in the list on AddOns options.
Outer Radius
Specifies the radius of the outer portion of the object, as a percent of the size of the gadget.
Specifies the radius, as a percent of the gadget, of the object.
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Specifies the rotation angle for the fill within the object.
Rotation Angle
Specifies the rotation angle of the object.
Scale Image
Enables or disables image scaling. Adjust the height and width of the image by percent.
Scale This Font
Select to alter the size of the text. Adjust the scaling amount for width and height by percent.
Show as Dashed
Enables or disables dashed lines.
Show Border
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Enables or disables the drawing of a border line around the object. Select the color and thickness of the border with the Color and Thickness drop‑down menus.
Show Round Corners
Enables or disables rounded corners. Type the percent of a circle to round the corner.
Specifies the number of sides on the object.
Specifies the size, as a percent of the gadget, of the object.
Solid Color
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Select to use a solid fill color for the object. Select a color from the associated drop-down list box.
Start Angle
Circle, Arc
Specifies the beginning angle of the object.
Start Color
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Arc
Specifies the start color of the gradient fill.
Start X coordinate
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the beginning x value of the object.
Start Y coordinate
Specifies the location, as a percentage of the size of the gadget, of the beginning y value of the object.
TextBox Background Color
Specifies the background color of the text box.
TextBox Border Color
Sets the border color of the text box.
Text Wrap
Disables or enables text wrap. Choose, by percent of the gadget, the maximum height and width for the wrap.
Specifies the thickness of the line.
Specifies the amount of transparency, in percent, of the image.
Specifies the location of the image for AddOn file types of .gif, .jpg, .png, or .swf.
Supports the selection of vertical text alignment within the gadget.