Using built‑in Flash charts and gadgets : Formatting a Flash gadget : Anchor properties
Anchor properties
Anchor properties control the shape, size, color, and visibility of markers, or anchors, in a sparkline gadget. Unlike other gadgets that display only one or two data values, a sparkline gadget plots multiple values and, by default, uses anchors to highlight the first, last, lowest, and highest values. Figure 14‑15 shows the anchor properties set for a sparkline gadget.
Figure 14‑15 Examining a sparkline gadget and its anchor properties
Table 14‑9 shows all the anchor properties. These properties are used only in a sparkline gadget.
Table 14‑9 Anchor properties 
Sets the shape of the anchors.
Sets the size of the anchor in pixels.
Sets the visibility and color of the anchors. Open, Close, High, and Low anchors are visible by default. To display anchors for all the other values, select Other Anchors.