Using built‑in Flash charts and gadgets : Using animation and other visual effects : Animation effect
Animation effect
Using the animation effect, you can animate different parts of a chart or gadget, including the background, title, data plot, data values, x-axis labels, y-axis labels, and more. After selecting the object to animate, you set properties to define how the object moves, including the direction, pattern, and duration of the animation.
For example, you can animate the data plot of a column chart so that the columns are drawn from the left side of the chart to the right side in five seconds, with a bouncing motion at the end. Figure 14‑29 shows the properties set to create this type of animation. The Attribute to Animate value of X coordinate specifies that the x (horizontal) position of the plot is animated. The Start Value setting of Chart Start X specifies that the animation starts from the left side of the chart.
Figure 14‑29 Definition of an animation effect
Table 14‑16 describes the animation properties.
Table 14‑16 Animation properties 
Attribute To Animate
Specifies the property of the object to animate as described in Table 14‑17. Each attribute produces different movements. Not all attributes apply to all chart objects. For example, the rotation attribute applies only to the data plot of a pie and doughnut chart.
Specifies the duration of animation in seconds.
Start Value
Specifies the start position of the animation. Either specify a fixed pixel location or select a macro. Macros are useful for setting a start x or y position at the start, center, or end position of chart. Without a macro, such as Chart Center X, you would have to experiment with many x values to find the center of the chart. Macros are described in Table 14‑18.
Specifies the type of animation as described in Table 14‑19. The animation type determines acceleration and deceleration during animation. For example, a chart object might gradually increase its speed near the beginning of an animation, but slow down at the end of the animation.
Table 14‑17 describes the attributes of a chart part, or object, that you can animate.
Table 14‑17 Animation attributes 
Horizontal Scale
Animates the x (horizontal) scale of the object. For example, for the data plot of a column chart, the columns are animated to grow widthwise.
Animates pie and doughnut charts in a circular motion.
Specifies alpha transition, or transparency fading.
Vertical Scale
Animates the y (vertical) scale of the object. For example, for the data plot of a column chart, the columns are animated to grow in height.
X coordinate
Animates the x position of the object.
Y coordinate
Animates the y position of the object.
Table 14‑18 describes the macros that you can select for the Start Value property described in Table 14‑16. Chart refers to the entire area of the Flash chart or gadget. Canvas refers to the plot area.
Table 14‑18 Animation Start Value macros 
Chart Start X
The start x position of the chart, which is equal to 0
Chart Start Y
The start y position of the chart, which is equal to 0
Chart Width
The width of the chart
Chart Height
The height of the chart
Chart End X
The end x position of the chart, which is the same as the chart width
Chart End Y
The end y position of the chart, which is the same as the chart height
Chart Center X
The center x position of the chart
Chart Center Y
The center y position of the chart
Canvas Start X
The start x position of the canvas, which is the x coordinate of the left side of the canvas
Canvas Start Y
The start y position of the canvas, which is the y coordinate of the top of the canvas
Canvas Width
The width of the canvas
Canvas Height
The height of the canvas
Canvas End X
The canvas end x position, which is the x coordinate of the right side of the canvas
Canvas End Y
The canvas end y position, which is the y coordinate of the bottom of the canvas
Canvas Center X
The center x position of the canvas
Canvas Center Y
The center y position of the canvas
Table 14‑19 describes the type of animation that you can select for the Type property described in Table 14‑16.
Table 14‑19 Animation types
Adds a bouncing motion at the end of the animation. The number of bounces relates to the duration. Longer durations produce more bounces.
Adds an elastic motion at the end of the animation. The range of motion is larger than that of the bounce. The amount of elasticity is unaffected by duration.
Adds a smooth movement from start to end of the animation without any changes in speed.
Adds slower movement at the end of the animation.
Adds an effect similar to regular, but the effect is more pronounced.