Using built‑in Flash charts and gadgets : Formatting a Flash gadget : Needle base or pivot properties
Needle base or pivot properties
Needle base or pivot properties define the appearance of a needle base, or pivot. Drawn as a circle, the base is the point around which the needle rotates. A needle base appears only for a meter gauge. Figure 14‑8 shows the needle base properties set for a meter gauge. The size of the needle base is larger than the default size, and the fill color is set to a radial gradient.
Figure 14‑8 Selecting options for the needle base of a meter gauge
Table 14‑4 shows all the needle base or pivot properties. These properties are used only in a meter gauge.
Table 14‑4 Needle base/pivot properties 
Border Color
Sets the border color of the needle base.
Border Thickness
Sets the width of the needle base border.
End Color
Sets the ending color to use in a fill gradient.
Fill Color
Sets the interior color of the needle base to a solid color.
Fill Gradient
Sets the interior color of the needle base to a color gradient.
Specifies the pattern of the fill gradient. Choose Radial or Linear.
Sets the angle of a linear fill gradient.
Show Border
Displays or hides the border around the needle base.
Sets the size of the needle base as a percent of the meter radius.
Start Color
Sets the starting color to use in a fill gradient.