Using built‑in Flash charts and gadgets : Formatting a Flash gadget : Number formatting properties
Number formatting properties
Number formatting properties define how numbers are displayed in a gadget. Use these properties to abbreviate numbers, to add text before or after a number, or to specify the number of digits to display after a decimal point. Figure 14‑9 shows the number formatting properties set for a thermometer gauge. Numbers display with the dollar symbol ($) before the number and they appear in abbreviated format, such as $30K instead of $30,000.
Figure 14‑9 Examining a linear gauge and its number formatting properties
Table 14‑5 shows all the number formatting properties. These properties are used in all the gadgets.
Table 14‑5 Number formatting properties 
Auto Abbreviation
Abbreviates a number to an appropriate number factor. For example, 10,000 becomes 10K.
Force Trailing Zeros
Enables or disables the display of trailing zeros after the decimal point.
Format Numbers
Enables and disables number formatting.
Fraction Digits
Specifies the number of digits displayed after the decimal point.
Specifies a text value to display before a number.
Specifies a text value to display after a number.