Controlling user access to report pages and data : Controlling user access to data : Testing data security
Testing data security
Actuate BIRT Designer supports the simulation of viewing reports with data security. You can test data security in a report without having to publish the report to iHub, log in with different user credentials, run the report and verify its output.
To test data security from the perspective of a user designing a dashboard in BIRT 360 or a report in BIRT Studio, you need to run tests on the iHub. The testing procedure entails the following steps:
*Publishing the data object (.data file) to an iHub volume
*Sharing the data object with selected users or roles, and assigning the Secure Read privilege
*Logging in with each user credential
*Launching the dashboard design tool or BIRT Studio, and using the data object as a source of data for the dashboard or report.
How to test data security in a report in Actuate BIRT Designer
1 Using Actuate BIRT Designer, build a report that uses a secure data object store (.data) as its data source. For information about this procedure, see Chapter 3, “Accessing data in a data object.”
2 When you finish building the report, choose RunView Report with Data Security, and select the output format in which to view the report.
3 In Run Report with Data Security Enabled, shown in Figure 20‑28, type a security ID specified in an ACL in the data object. For example:
Manager: Office 4
Figure 20‑28 Running a report with data security using a specified security ID
Choose OK.
The report runs and displays only the content that the specified security ID can view.
4 Repeat the previous step until you finish testing all the security IDs used in the report.