Strength | Description |
ASCII | Collates by the ASCII values of the letters. Differences in case and accents are significant. For example: A < B < a < à |
Primary | Different base letters are considered a primary difference. Use Primary to ignore case and accents. For example: a = A = à < b < c |
Secondary | Different accented forms of the same base letter are considered a secondary difference. Use Secondary to ignore case. For example: ab = Ab < àb < ac |
Tertiary | Case differences and different accented forms of the same base letter are considered Tertiary differences. For example: ao < Ao < aò |
Quaternary | When punctuation is ignored at the previous strengths, use Quaternary to differentiate strings with and without punctuation. For example: ab < a-b < aB |
Identical | When all other strengths are equal, the Identical strength is a tie-breaker. The Unicode code point values of the NFD form of each string are compared. Use this strength sparingly as it decreases performance and is rarely needed. |