Clustering : About the primary configuration files : About acpmdconfig.xml
About acpmdconfig.xml
Acpmdconfig.xml sets the environment variables at the operating system level. The administrator can specify the node configuration settings in acpmdconfig.xml. Alternatively, the administrator can set the necessary environment variables in setsrvrenv and run this script before restarting an instance.
Using acpmdconfig.xml, set <AC_CONFIG_HOME> to the directory that contains acserverconfig.xml and acserverlicense.xml. Modify the <AC_TEMPLATE_NAME> element to specify which template this iHub uses.
When creating an image for a set of machines, create a template name, such as SharedTemplate, in acserverconfig.xml. In acpmdconfig.xml, set <AC_TEMPLATE_NAME >to the template name. The administrator can create different templates that use different images for machines with varying computing capacities and resources. Listing 9‑1 shows acpmdconfig.xml for a machine named urup, a node containing the configuration home directory.
Listing 9‑1 The acpmdconfig.xml file
<!--Actuate system Type -->
<!--Daemon SOAP endpoint information -->
<!-- Disk Thresholds are in MB -->
<!--Server information -->
<AC_JRE_HOME>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Actuate
<AC_JRE64_HOME>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Actuate
<AC_JAVA_HOME>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Actuate
<AC_ODBC_HOME>C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Actuate
<AC_ICU_DATA>C:\Program Files (x86)\Actuate\iHub2\bin
<!-- Servlet Container information -->
Args="-Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"/>
Use this configuration file to set the environment variables at the operating system level. Table 9‑1 shows the configuration setting in acpmdconfig.xml.
Table 9‑1 acpmdconfig.xml node-specific configuration settings
Configuration name
Template name
Location of data directory
Location of acserverconfig.xml and the license file
Location of Java run-time environment (JRE)
Location of 64-bit Java run-time environment (JRE)
Location of ODBC resources
iHub IP address
iHub dispatcher IP address
Location of ICU library