Configuring e-mail notification : Customizing the e-mail message : Sending e-mail notices from nodes using a template
Sending e-mail notices from nodes using a template
iHub uses an e-mail notification template to create the job completion notification e-mail. In a cluster, unless otherwise configured, each View process uses the notification template in the local AC_SERVER_HOME/etc directory.
If iHub sends e-mail notices from multiple nodes, the nodes use a single template in a partition that all nodes can access. The administrator creates the partition, copies acnotification.xml to the directory the partition specifies, then specifies the partition on Volumes—Properties—General in E-mail notification template partition, as shown in Figure 4‑8.
Figure 4‑8 Specifying a partition for e-mail notification template file
If iHub cannot find acnotification.xml, or the template file contains invalid formatting, iHub cannot send e-mail notices.